Garden Report 2021 - Part 1 - May

We started this year's gardening a month too early. We were anxious to use our new garden, and bored (after four months of winter in Winnipeg, you'd be eager for spring too) so we planted tomato, celery and peppers seeds in March. Note to self - that was about a month too early. In April, we added cucumbers, squash, pumpkin, and zucchini. Then we planted the stuff that needed to go into the ground over the May long weekend. Not everything sprouted, but we did pretty well.

In total, here's what we ended up planting. Note - the rhubarb and chives are perennial; they come back every year.

  1. Rhubarb (a perennial, it comes back every year)
  2. Chives (a perennial, it comes back every year)
  3. Rosemary (successfully overwintered inside!)
  4. 6 potatoes (3 boxes, 2 x 0.5 seed potatoes per box)
  5. 1 pumpkin
  6. 6 spaghetti squash (originally planted 4, 3 destroyed in a spring storm, 5 more seeds planted directly into garden)
  7. 8 zucchinis
  8. 4 pickling cucumbers
  9. 4 slicing cucumbers
  10. 30 celery plants (The seeds were so tiny! We sprinkled a fraction of the seeds into 2 seedling containers and that's how many came up.)
  11. 5 Pruden's Giant Staking tomatoes
  12. 3 Goliath tomatoes
  13. 7 Roma tomatoes
  14. 5 cocktail (cherry) tomatoes
  15. 2 rows of onions 
  16. 2 rows of carrots
  17. 2 rows of beets
  18. 3/4 row of spinach (old, donated seeds)
  19. 1/4 row of lettuce (old, donated seeds)
  20. 20 peas (old, donated seeds)
  21. 2 rows of purple beans
  22. 2 rows of corn (60 kernels planted)
  23. 3 red bell peppers
  24. 4 Cajun Belle peppers
  25. 1 banana pepper (purchased)
  26. 1 parsley (purchased)
  27. 1 thyme (purchased)
  28. 2 oregano (purchased)
  29. 2 basil (purchased)
  30. 8 peas (3 sprouted, planted 12 more, 4 sprouted). They were supposed to cover a decorative metal frame.

Pretty impressive planting, huh.

That was May. Then, we waited.

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